Birthday guessing date.


I’m in an okay mood so far lately. Other than the fact, the more I want to save, the more things I need to pay.

Why? *it’s a rhetorical question so shut!*

Anyways, this birthday guessing date.

I asked a friend of mine when is his birthdate because I remember he ever told me that he’s a scorpio.

He didn’t want to tell me and in the end, I told him I will wish him a “Happy birthday” everyday! until I get the day and date!

Only two days passed and he thought that I would know his birthdate. I, honestly don’t know and so, I have 28 more days to go to find out.


I don’t get why at times I do things that I do.


Today is Halloween day! I miss preparing for trick-o-treat in Perth, I miss costumes and I miss the cute lil kids around the neighbourhood especially Elijah!

It is also Alston Chin Kian Seng’s Birthday!! So now, we are both at the same age!

Best of luck! and surprising him with a cake yesterday during lunch was funny! He begged me to not sing the Happy birthday song.

At least he blow the candle out.


Later days,

Double Zee!